Hurt In A Car Accident? Ask Your Lawyer These Two Urgent Questions To Get Your Money Fast!

Posted on: 26 May 2015

The first time that you visit your car accident lawyer, you may not be quite yourself. After all, you have just been through an undoubtedly traumatic car accident and a difficult injury. Because you are probably still in a bit of shock over your accident, you might forget to ask some of the most important questions while you're at your attorney's office. Never fear: The questions below are the absolute essentials that you can take along to the attorney's office to make sure you're in the know about your case.

What Can You Be Compensated For?

Compensation is probably the big reason that you hired a car accident lawyer, so you should make sure that you are aware of every single thing that qualifies as a compensable damage. Your lawyer will ask for:

  • Doctor bills
  • Documentation of time missed from work
  • Hospital bills
  • Physical therapy bills

The things listed above are all compensable damages, but these may not be all you are entitled to. If you have suffered in other ways because of your injury, tell your lawyer about it and ask if it can help get you a higher settlement. Any kind of damage can qualify. Some examples of these damages could include things like:

  • Loss of ability to attend regular activities, for example church services
  • Loss of ability to play sports
  • Loss of ability to be a caregiver for family

What is the Timeline For the Case?

Personal injury cases like car accidents can take a long time, even years, to settle. While your attorney can't tell you an exact time to expect your settlement, they can give you a general timeline of the case. Ask your lawyer how long they plan to negotiate with the responsible party.

Usually, a personal injury case is settled before reaching a court of law. Your attorney will most likely negotiate with the other party for some time. If you don't receive any acceptable offers after good faith negotiations, your lawyer may advise halting negotiations and pursuing the case in court. Knowing the amount of time that your lawyer recommends negotiating can give you a good idea of how long it may take to get an acceptable offer and settle your case.

It is completely understandable if your top concern is getting compensation as quickly as possible. If you get answers from your lawyer regarding the questions above, you'll have not only an idea of what you can be compensated for, but also how long it might take to get your money.

Speak to a law office such as Master Weinstein Shatz Moyer, P.C. for more information.
