Don'T Make These 3 Costly Errors After Your Car Accident

Posted on: 10 October 2015

Car accidents bring on a whole slew of problems that you need to deal with. Your vehicle will need to get repaired quickly to get you back on the road, you may have injuries to cope with, and your emotions will be all over the place while trying to recover. Though times are stressful, be sure not to make these 3 errors that can cost you money in your insurance claim.

Not Getting Witnesses And Important Accident Related Information

It's important to get a lot of information about your car accident immediately after it happens. The best thing that you can do is get the contact information of witnesses that saw the accident. They may be able to fill in a gap that you are not able to figure out later, and can be key to proving you were not at fault if the other driver does not claim responsibility.

You should also take photos of the accident site, such as damage to the cars, where the cars were placed after the accident relative to each other, notable traffic signs that should have been observed, and skid marks if they exist.

Not Visiting The Doctor Immediately

You should always get inspected by a doctor after a car accident. You may think that you are fine, but injuries may not be apparent because of your high cortisol levels following the accident. It may take a couple days for you to notice an injury that eventually becomes a lingering one.

Delaying medical treatment may show the insurance company that the injury isn't serious. It can also call into question when the injury actually happened, and if it occurred due to the car accident. Visiting a doctor is the best way to make sure everything is okay and to obtain official documentation if you are not in good health.

Not Negotiating Your Settlement

A common mistake is for auto accident victims to settle their insurance claims immediately by accepting the first offer that they receive. Once a settlement is accepted, you are not allowed to request more money for your claim. Working with a lawyer is the best way to ensure that you are getting a fair settlement. They work with cases like yours all the time and know what kind of payment to expect.

Now that you are aware of some of costly auto accident related errors, you should get exactly what your claim is worth.

For legal help, click this link or do an online search. 
