How Does an Auto Accident Attorney Help Prepare Your Compensation Claim?

Posted on: 25 August 2022

Pursuing an accident injury compensation can be tricky; that's where an auto accident attorney comes in. They guide you through the process, ensuring you receive the maximum compensation possible. They will also work to protect your rights and interests every step of the way. Here are several ways they help prepare the claim:

1. Investigating the Accident

An experienced attorney can help you investigate the accident and determine who was at fault. They will look at the circumstances surrounding the accident to build a strong case. This may include talking to witnesses, reviewing police reports, and gathering evidence.

Your lawyer may contact an auto accident reconstructionist in complicated cases involving fatalities or extensive damage. This professional can help recreate the accident and provide valuable insight into what happened.

2. Determining Liability

In many cases, liability is not clear-cut, and it can be difficult to determine who is at fault for an accident. The investigation will usually reveal the circumstances and the driver at fault.

However, liability may be a different matter. What if the car belonged to a company? This raises the question of whether or not the company can be held liable. Your attorney will advise on it.

3. Preparing the Demand Claim Documentation

You can't make a viable claim without the necessary documentation. This includes police reports, medical records, bills, receipts, and other evidence supporting your claim. Without this documentation, it will be difficult to prove the extent of your damages and losses. 

The insurance company may try to downplay the severity of your injuries or argue that you are not entitled to certain types of compensation. An auto accident attorney will know how to collect, review, and present the documented evidence to maximize your chances of success.

4. Determining the Amount to Claim

You may be wondering how to determine the amount of compensation to claim. Your auto accident attorney will evaluate all the damages you have suffered, including psychological trauma, physical injuries, property damage, and lost wages. They will also consider the long-term effects of your injuries and calculate a fair settlement amount. 

5. Delivering the Claim

After all the evidence has been gathered, and the liability is clear, it's time to deliver the claim. Your lawyer will present the insurance company with a demand letter that outlines your injuries, damages, and losses. The demand letter will also state the amount of compensation you are requesting. The liable party can accept or reject the claim, and your attorney can proceed to trial.

Adequate and appropriate legal counsel makes the difference in compensation claims, so getting an attorney is highly advisable. Consult an auto accident attorney to ensure your claim is proper for higher chances of success.
