Getting Into An Accident With An 18-Wheeler Truck

Posted on: 31 January 2023

Were you the unfortunate victim of the driver of an 18-wheeler truck who was driving fast and sporadically? It is amazing to survive the extent of injuries that are usually sustained during such a collision, but the scars and disabilities can cause a lifetime of embarrassment. If you are disabled, embarrassed, and feel hopeless because your life has changed, hire a lawyer to help you gain a sense of justice. If your injuries and scars are permanent, no amount of money can bring your life back to where it was before the accident. However, taking legal action will help you pay medical bills, invest in disability equipment, and live more comfortably.

A Lawyer Knows Who Can Be Held Liable

Knowing who to take legal action against after a collision with an 18-wheeler truck could be complicated. There could be multiple people to blame for the collision, even if you saw the other driver driving sporadically. For instance, you might not know the reason the driver was driving in such a manner, as it may have been from faulty mechanical work on the truck. An 18-wheeler accident lawyer will find out if the driver, his or her employer, a mechanic, or several other people are liable for your accident. An investigation will make it difficult for the other party to place the blame on you.

You Deserve More Than an Insurance Settlement

Being offered an insurance settlement is one of the fastest ways to get paid after getting into a collision. However, an insurance company will only pay what they are obligated to pay as per the terms of a policy. Your injuries changed your life, and you deserve a lot more money than you are likely to receive from an insurance company. What an insurance company pays might only cover your basic medical expenses, vehicle, and a few other things. For example, your personal items that were damaged inside the vehicle during the crash might be covered, but a lawyer will consider your needs in a more thorough manner.

The Quality of Your Life Should Matter

Although there is nothing you can do to regain a good quality of life, a lawyer will work to return at least some quality to your life. For example, if your vehicle caught fire and you were burned, a lawyer can make sure you get paid for long-term treatment. Mental health care and other things that can improve your quality of life should be considered after an accident with an 18-wheeler.
